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Literature Index

Over the years, I have continued to collect or write a range of notes, articles, discussion papers and research reports that I believe are worthy of sharing here.

This section of the site is intended to be an ongoing and actively updated reference library of the research that has contributed to the effective use of online technologies in the educational setting both within Victoria and Australia. I have also made reference to the work of many significant international projects.

My goal is really just to keep a list of useful activities in education that I value. I share them here simply because I enjoy the dialog it creates.

Many of these are formal publications, many are not. As so much of the development work is often done in the 'applied environment' of the classroom or educational institution, it is not always possible for the authors to create any more lasting reference to their work than the few minutes they find to scribble some observations and findings in a journal or on a personal web site.

I hope you find these references of use. Please feel free to contact me directly to alert me to your own research or that of your colleagues.

Open Literature Index



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