Sunday, 9 January 2005

Boingo Adds Mac Client. We Mac OS X users rejoice: Boingo has released their client for Mac OS X. I'm a Mac user--as well as a Linux and Windows XP user--and point out that the installed usage base of Wi-Fi on the Mac platform is ridiculously high among mobile travelers, thus making it a good way for Boingo to pick up customers. Boingo has the added advantage of having a Mac-friendly CEO, Sky Dayton, who founded EarthLink, bringing Internet access first to Mac users way way back in the mists of time more than a decade ago. The client comes with a special coupon offer for a month's free service when you sign up for the unlimited $21.95 per month package. The client is required to negotiate the complexities of authenticating to dozens of different hotspot networks in the absence of a clearinghouse, which allows cell networks to handle cross-network roaming and settlement....

[Source: Wi-Fi Networking News]
12:07:50 AM