For all the Aussies reading this, does this sound familiar??
Wired. George Gilder is bankrupt. Good article. George was right about the technology, but wrong about the time to roll it out. The problem he didn't anticipate? That the baby bells and the cable companies wouldn't install fiber in the last mile. That meant that the rapid technological innovation in bandwidth that was going on at the core of the Internet wouldn't benefit most Americans (fiber bandwidth price/performance doubles every 9-12 months -- coaxial and twisted pair do not). The decision of these last mile players not to adopt the right technology was a monsterous blunder based on greed, a lack of vision, and a cozy oligopoly. This would the be equivalent in the PC world of having 2 GHz processors doubling every 12-18 months in price/performance in combination with 320x200 screens with 10 Mb of hard-drives doubling every 5 years . Of course, that couldn't happen because there is real competition in the magnetic storage and display world. Once fiber is installed into the home, doubling rates for home bandwidth could be fierce. What will it take to get this done? [John Robb's Radio Weblog] |