Tuesday, 20 January 2009

A New Beginning...

It is interesting to look back at those attempting to look forward...

In July of 2004, our Global Environment became one of the biggest issues for me [not that it has never been far from my consciousness] and surprisingly a month later in August of that year, I made a short comment called "A New Beginning" : I quoted from Epictetus. "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

I was moved to comment about an inspiring and challenging speech made by an unknown [at least to me] United States Senator named Barack Obama. I even appear to have predicted on August 5th 2004 that he would be the next Democratic President of the United States... Not a bad prediction.....given what is about to happen in Washington DC in the next 24 hours.

This is the speech I saw back in 2004, now posted on YouTube.

I also linked to a BBC article on the Climate Group's report on CO2 emissions and Australia's water prospects and a second entitled Greenhouse gases threaten Australian way of life

It really is time to consider sidelining the petty and confronting the serious... Lets hope we see the beginning of new level of International co-operation that focusses on the health, education and sustainability of everyone on the planet.

My original offer still stands [grin]

See: http://www.whalesong.org/whalelog/2004/08/05.html


6:12:58 PM